Friday, 27 January 2012


My first attempt at video editing. Seven years ago, I used to create heaps of slideshow movies for work. It sounds so uncool today, to make a slideshow movie from photos, but I swear that back then it was pretty neat. Only at the time, I didn't have iMovie. Oh boy, what I was missing out on! It's probably old news for many of you but last night, I made the greatest discovery since Photoshop. I think this is the beginning of the end, when it comes to borrowing Mr. Franglais' MacBook. Sorry love. You just shouldn't be so well equipped and I will stop stealing all your gadgets, hee hee.

Wishing you all a relaxing weekend! I'll see you on Monday.

ps: This movie was shot in early January in Normandy when L. & I visited my mum and "little" bro. And the music is Grown Ocean by Fleet Foxes.


  1. So precious! I love the way he keeps falling over :)

  2. J'adore ! C'est super canon ! Et L. is so so cute !
    Bisous et à très vite !

  3. such a sweet video! Love how little L plops down into the sand over and over. He is absolutely adorable!

  4. First but not the last, I hope? I loved watching this. Your little man is divine. xx

  5. Beautiful memories!
    I'm inspired to make a video now:)
    Thanks so much for sharing.

  6. i have goosebumps. so lovely!

    thanks for sharing.

  7. So cute! Your little man is so cute!

  8. J’adore! Tellement mignon et j’adore la musique aussi. We just finished a short film with iMovie from our trip to the country last weekend and added music too. We had fun sitting on the sofa together with the laptop on our laps, amazing these gadgets huh!
    Bon weekend mon amie xx

  9. very nice video! your boy rules!
    anna from

  10. I have to get on iMovie. This is beautiful. And I love Fleet Foxes.

    More please lady xx

  11. hey lady! Stunning vid- reminds me of a very windy Bordoux a few years back when we were there....

    I have been meaning to let you know that you won the 'rowantree' giveaway- if youre still keen email me your selection to

    xo em


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