Friday, 17 February 2012

An update.

It has been fairly quiet around these parts lately and it may continue to be until the end of the month. Two weeks ago today we (finally!) signed the legal documents for our flat and officially became broke propriétaires. Now that we have the keys to our new home in hand, we can start the big refurbishment. Kitchen, bathroom, toilet, closets, windows, shutters, electricity - we are talking weeks of travaux. And while it is exciting to be redesigning everything from scratch, the task of choosing all the materials is not easy. In which room do we put down carpet, tiles, or wood? what texture do we want? what colour? what disposition? It's super tricky to decide since there is no going back once the choice has been made. I sometimes wish we had hired an architect to help us make all these decisions. But since we cannot really afford one, I've been pinning like mad lately, looking for as much inspiration as possible on line. Fingers crossed that in a few months, we'll have successfully turned this new apartment, into a new home.

Wishing you all a relaxing weekend! I'm looking forward to my girls' night out at Andy Wahloo & the 404; two places I have be meaning to go to for years!

A bientôt!


  1. so very exciting!!
    goodluck with all the wonderful decisions.
    must check out your mad woman pinning ♥

  2. Congratulations on your new home!
    Must be so exciting with all this new planning! Good luck! Looking forward to see the result!

  3. Olá! Essas coisas de reforma não são nada fácil. Eu não tenho a menor paciência... Mas ontem eu estava vendo um blog que gostei muito. Dá uma olhada depois:
    e eu gosto muito desse papel de parede:
    ESpero que goste!
    Um grande beijo e boa sorte nessa nova etapa!

    1. Oi Lenita, muito obrigada pelo link. Adorei! (embora eu tenha acabado de perder meia hora vendo o blog em vez de trabalhar... :)!). Muitos beijinhos pra vc garota. Espero que esteja tudo bem. xx

  4. Felicitations homeowners! It sounds like exciting times for you. xxx

  5. How very exciting! Congratulations lady! Kellie xx

  6. Fabulous! I hope all goes well with the fit out. I like the pictures you have chosen for inspiration - light and airy can never be regrettable.

    Sal x

  7. Félicitations ! Si tu as besoin de tips, n'hésite pas, ma mère est architecte d'intérieur et je peux lui poser plein de questions !

    1. Merci c'est super gentil! Je dépêche de préparer mes questions avant le 29 février :)

  8. I totally understand you! We are in the same situation, but thank God our apartment is in a quite good condition, because we can't afford a big renovation right now (and I seriously doubt that we can afford it in the future!). It is all so exciting, but sometimes I wish the house was ready and I were in my pjs! Good luck with everything!

    xoxo, anna.

    1. Exactly! I sometimes wish it were ready and that we could walk in with just our suitcases but on the other hand, I'm sure we will be so happy once everything is done and done OUR way :)

  9. Hooray! Can't wait to see the finished pad soon. Much happiness and love in your new home xxx

  10. Hoorah! Can't wait to see some pictures of the new pad soon. Lots of love and happiness to you all in your new home xxx

  11. Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing your new home sweet home xx

  12. Congratulations - what an exciting time in your life. Renovating sure is a labour of love! Pinterest is sure to get you on the right track for some seriously stylish decor! Can't wait to see! xx

  13. Thank you, thank you!! Exciting times indeed! :D

  14. how exciting! i hope you'll share the renovation with us. i love what you've pinned - and it's so organised!! :)

  15. I cannot wait to see what your new home is like! How great it is to do this, fun, exciting, stressful, the range of emotions must be high.

    As always, thank you for sharing such exciting things with the blogging community! It is so nice to see what others in this big little city are doing and seeing...

  16. Oh so exciting! Congratulations! I LOVE renovating! Good luck deciding!


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