Thursday 8 April 2010

Pregnancy food aversions.

photo ©LaFranglaise

I love my food, and the day I would get pregnant I thought I would have so many cravings. But as it turned out, just the opposite happened. No cravings whatsoever but oh so many food aversions. One of many things I went off was Swiss chard, a veggie I used to eat weekly in the winter yet I couldn't touch it the whole time I was pregnant. Probably because before I even knew I had a little beanie growing inside me, I had Swiss chard food poisoning during my holiday in Croatia last year (at the time, I couldn't understand why it made me so ill!). Just like that, it was the end of my delicious "gratin de blettes" until baby L was born. Yesterday, I finally ate it again and I must say, it is still as good as it was 'pre-preggo me'. Here is my very simple but tasty recipe for cooking Swiss chard gratin:

1 kg of Swiss chard
2 table spoons of crème fraiche (cream)
40g of Comté or Gruyère cheese
salt & pepper

Wash the Swiss chard and cut off the tips. Boil in a saucepan for approximately 20min (until the stems have softened) and drain. Chop the chards and transfer in an ceramic oven dish, spreading them evenly. Mix in the crème fraiche, nutmeg, and salt & pepper to taste. Sprinkle the grated cheese over the top and bake at 200ºC for 25min or until the gratin is brown and bubbly. You can also replace the crème fraiche with olive oil and garlic.
Bon appétit!

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