Sunday 15 August 2010

Home sweet home.

We have arrived back from our two-week road trip in the UK which I am sad is over, but all the same, happy to be at home sweet home. Altogether, we travelled 2 483 km, slept in six different places, visited over a dozen friends and relatives, explored 13 towns, attended two weddings, mended one punched tyre, enjoyed as much rain as sunshine, and ate lots of yummy unhealthy English food.

The happiest of us all to be back was baby L. The little darling was fast asleep on my shoulder right up until we arrived outside our builing when his eyes suddenly sprung open (some sort of sixth sense that we were home). As we entered our flat, he wouldn't stop smiling and bouncing about in my arms. His head was turning left, right, up and down times and times over as if in disbelief that we were actually home. A special moment I will relish for long.

More on our holidays next week. Till then, I am keeping busy organising things around the flat and catching up on everyone's blog.


  1. welcome home. sounds like you had a great holiday. so cute that your little one was so happy to be home again :)
    we have the stokke tripp trapp high chair & have found it great.. to be honest, it's the only highchair i could cope with the look of!

  2. So cool this picture exchange... lovely holidays picture by the way.



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