Thursday 4 August 2011

Oh, sailor!

A salute to stripes.

Image sources: 1. YannPendaries; 2. FollowMeMoon; 3. Ribandhull; 4. Tialys; 5. Alicja Vintage; 7. sorry, can't remember the shop! 8. Contemori; 9. Brown Paper Packages


  1. Engraçado, a primeira vez que vi seu blog foi justamente por causa das listras... foi um post via Cup of Jo mostrando uma foto sua e do pequeno L.

  2. i LOVE stripes... and I own many striped shirts, which I will definitely be wearing when I go to paris. :)

  3. Ahoy there, them's some great stripes lady. I wish we could fit that tee pee into our little flat. And I'll take the whale thank you. And the rent on a little beach hut for a week too please. Hope you have a great weekend! Kellie xx

  4. I recently got a pair of striped blue and white wedge shoes the heals are red. Love them.

  5. I want that tote and tipi so bad. Awesome finds!

  6. Stripes have been really catching my eye lately! Dynamic + simple = perfect!

    Sal x

  7. I am such a sucker for stripes. You had me at the first image. LOVE!


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