Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Skies #2.

Plane was cancelled last night. Drove 40min to the airport and back to drop off my boys and had to head back out there again the minute I arrived home. Good old Easy Jet. We ended up going to bed so late, it was a struggle to keep my eyes open at work all day today. So much to do and so little time. L. and the mister managed to catch a new flight today and now won't be back until very late Saturday night. The flat already feels so empty without them but I am also secretly enjoying the peace and quiet.

I found this hot air balloon photo on Pinterest, my latest addiction. Do you know it? Best to stay away if you don't or you'll be wasting hours pinning away like I did this evening. But oh how seeing this photo reminded me of how much I would like to visit beautiful Turkey again and especially Cappadocia which looks like a world out of dreamland... What is your travel fantasy?


  1. WOW! That's a pretty picture. :] I've recently become addicted to pinterest too. It's dangerous!

  2. Hope you enjoy your time alone and your boys enjoy the uk. We fly to Liverpool when we visit sunny Preston (as least often as possible!) x

  3. totally get your feeling of the house alone! When my husband has late classes or over night shifts, I bask in the alone time/quiet house!

    I will have to find you on Pintrest, I'm on it too, but since I've started working, my addiction isn't so bad!


  4. That pic is really cool. I want to do pinterest too, but you have to find someone to invite you.

  5. Pinterest is so freakin dangerous! I could spend hours (and hours and hours) on there. Love to go to Turkey. You're so lucky to have so many beautiful places on your doorstep. xx

  6. ah la Cappadoce... souvenirs de moments magiques et de paysages à souffler le souffle. Mais la Grèce c'est pas mal non plus! Kiss


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