Friday, 31 December 2010
bonne année & merci.
Dear readers, I wanted to drop by one last time in 2010 to wish you all a happy new year but also, and especially, to thank you for reading my little blog. I created Smallesthings earlier this year when entering motherhood without realising blogland would be such wonderful place. I have loved meeting so many bloggers from around the world and sharing parts of my life in Paris with you. I am grateful for each and every comment and e-mail (I still owe a reply to some of you!) and for your support throughout this year. It has been great thus far! I look forward to exchanging more posts with you in the new year and keep on reading your blogs which are so inspiring to me. I am addicted to this space!
{image via natzfirefly}
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Mini chair makeover.
Jennifer found this mini chair for $20 in a garage sale...
and transformed it into this... stunning little throne for her 11 months old daughter Chloe. Head over to Rambling Renovators to found out more on this incredible DYI project.
{via Ohdeedoh} // images ©Rambling Renovators
and transformed it into this... stunning little throne for her 11 months old daughter Chloe. Head over to Rambling Renovators to found out more on this incredible DYI project.
{via Ohdeedoh} // images ©Rambling Renovators
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Homemade Nutella.
Just when you thought you had absorbed enough calories during the holidays, here's a delicious recipe for homemade Nutella, miam! I think I am going to give it a try when we get home to Paris later this week.
Hope you are all enjoying the end of year festivities. I am finding it so relaxing to be off work and spend time en famille, albeit the fact the three of us had an awful flu last week (good thing L. won't remember his first Christmas in the end!) and are only now feeling better.
A bientôt.
{via Unstitched}
Friday, 24 December 2010
Ho ho ho.

It is the last sleep people till the big bearded man comes for his yearly visit. So here's wishing you Happy Holidays my dears! I will be signing off for a little while as we celebrate Xmas for the first time with L. On the menu (literally) for the next few days: foie gras, oysters, snails, turkey, Xmas pud' and plenty of mince pies. A real franglais feast!
A bientôt, xx
ps: as I type and sit all warm & cozy by the fireplace, it has started to snow outside. The Christmas magic is here...
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Last month, I spotted the Frankie 2011 calendar on the lovely Coelho Culture blog and immediately had the urge to buy it. Lucky me I thought, my younger brother was on an exchange programme for a semester in Adelaide so I was going to order it on line, send it to his Aussie address and have him bring it back to me when he returned to Paris in January (otherwise it was going to cost $45 just for postage - more than the actually calendar!). Anyway, I ended up doing what I almost always do - I watched it be sold out.
Here's how it went: I hesitated buying the calendar for several days because I didn't want to bother my brother with the extra luggage weight, then I finally decided to place the order, until I hesitated again, in between always checking the online shop to see if it was still there, until one day I was about to order it at work when forgot my brother's address at home, so I postponed the order again and checked on line yet again to make sure the calendar was still there...which is it was, until last Sunday when was at last ready to place the order by which time of course, there were none left. I could have kicked myself. I always do that; I see something I really like, take forever or just postpone making my mind up on whether or not to buy it -altogether checking (almost daily) that the item I have my eye on is still available - until one day it is no longer there and I am "surprised". When will I learn my lesson? Now because of this lark I will be missing out on a year's worth of inspiring international artwork.
So instead, I have just ordered Spaces, Frankie's latest gem which covers beautiful interiors from all over the world, "where creative people live, work and play". Take a glimpse below at the beautiful spaces.
all images & quote ©Frankie
Saturday, 18 December 2010
Nursery inspiration.
I was browsing Flickr and found these beautifully inspiring nurseries; which reminds me I still haven't posted any photos of L.'s room. I will try to do so over the holidays as I'd love to have your thoughts.
I hope you are all having a relaxing Saturday. My little L. is sick so we are having indoor fun!

Jenn Hannotte

Just Design




the happy home
I hope you are all having a relaxing Saturday. My little L. is sick so we are having indoor fun!

Jenn Hannotte

Just Design




the happy home
Friday, 17 December 2010
Pink Panther.
Blake Edwards 1922 - 2010
What a week! It has been intense, but good. I am not on holiday yet, although Monday should be my last working day for 2010. There will be news in the new year on the professional front. I am probably mad to be embarking on an opportunity that will surely not help me in my search for the perfect work/life balance, but I am thrilled at the thought of my career evolving in the right direction, especially so soon after returning from a fairly long maternity leave. I did insist before accepting the offer that I would not be a workaholic as I want to continue watching my baby grow into a toddler, and into boy. He is my priority right now and I want to keep things that way, regardless of whether that means I would have to reconsider my decision in the future if things did not go to plan. But as of now, all is positive so I am looking forward to celebrating my wonderful news "en tête à tête" with my litlle man this weekend while Mr. Franglais is in Liverpool for four (long) days enjoying mince pies, cream teas and all sorts of other delicious English treats! Jealous (just a tad).
Wishing you all a happy weekend!
What a week! It has been intense, but good. I am not on holiday yet, although Monday should be my last working day for 2010. There will be news in the new year on the professional front. I am probably mad to be embarking on an opportunity that will surely not help me in my search for the perfect work/life balance, but I am thrilled at the thought of my career evolving in the right direction, especially so soon after returning from a fairly long maternity leave. I did insist before accepting the offer that I would not be a workaholic as I want to continue watching my baby grow into a toddler, and into boy. He is my priority right now and I want to keep things that way, regardless of whether that means I would have to reconsider my decision in the future if things did not go to plan. But as of now, all is positive so I am looking forward to celebrating my wonderful news "en tête à tête" with my litlle man this weekend while Mr. Franglais is in Liverpool for four (long) days enjoying mince pies, cream teas and all sorts of other delicious English treats! Jealous (just a tad).
Wishing you all a happy weekend!
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Petit Bateau by Tsumori Chisato.
I went to Petit Bateau today to check out the whimsical collection by Tsumori Chisato. The Japanese designer collaborated with Petit Bateau on 13 pieces and I love her quirky style. Most of the items are for wee ones but a few pieces come in adult sizes too.
ps: I have been a little absent from blogland these past few days because I am ex-haus-ted. I am trying to get through the week, working my little b*tt off to be able to be on holiday as of Friday night. Two weeks off work and spending more time with my sweet boy would be the best Xmas present I could get.
Thursday, 9 December 2010
10 mois.

Ten months old today and looking a lot like his mama at (more or less) the same age, don't you think?
Our little monkey is becoming quite the comedian as the weeks go by. His latest trick is to imitate my head movement what I say "no, no, no, no" and then he immediately laugh his little head off. I mean really, how can I not laugh with him when he's trying to kill me with such mischievous cuteness?
1 mois - 2 mois - 3 mois - 4 mois - 5 mois - 6 mois - 7 mois - 8 mois - 9 mois
Devise de la semaine.
Going with the flow is my motto of the week. I am finding it hard to take the time to sit down in the evening and blog when there are so many things to do.
It snowed really heavily in Paris yesterday which created total chaos in the city and in my daily organisation as I couldn't use on my scooter, but seeing L. discover snow for the first time was really fun. I can't wait to take him skiing when he is older (I can't quite believe it has already been 11 years since I last went skiing. Where does time go?)
See photos of a white Paris here.
Illustration by Shelli Dorfe.
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Tuesday tune: John Lennon.
I know it is Wednesday but given the date we are commemorating, I figured it was not too late for our weekly tune. Thirty years ago today, John Lennon’s iconic career was suddenly ended and hopes for a reunion of the most successful pop band in history had vanished. To mark this sad anniversary, I thought I'd share "Imagine" - one of Lennon's most symbolic tunes - to remind us he was not just a Beatle, but also an inspirational peace activist. Happy
Ps: and happy 30th birthday to our dear friend Mr. S., whose mother loved The Beatles so much, his middle names are John and Paul.
Friday, 3 December 2010
Petits plaisirs d'hiver.
I can't believe how fast this week has gone by and that it is Friday again. What are you up to this weekend my dears? It is still freezing cold in here so I am not too sure what the plan is. Probably we are going to put up our Xmas tree which will make our home feel extra cozy and warm. If the cold is getting to you, visit my My Little Paris' interactive map for a few tips to keeping warm in Paris this winter.
Stella McCartney Tammy Boots.
How cute are these Tammy boots by Stella McCartney? You'll have to be quick if you'd like to get a pair for your little one as the yellow wellies are in limited stock.
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Morocco & Spain in 4,000 photos.
I know I keep posting videos at the moment, but here's another must-see. Earlier this year, photographer Mike Matas and his girlfriend traveled 1,000 miles by train through Morocco and Spain, took 4,000 photos and encapsulated their two-week trip in this two-minute video. Breathtaking!
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